Bismarckia nobilis – Silver Bismarck Palm Seedlings

SKU: N/A Category:

18,00 70,00 

Bismarckia nobilis is a palm with a thick trunk, large silvery-blue fan-shaped leaves, and clusters of small, dark fruits.

Seedlings in compact and lightweight pots for easy and cheaper shipping.

Seedlings completely healthy and growing, none with twisted or damaged leaves.

Needs to be transplanted once arrives and kept in a warm place.





Bismarckia nobilis, commonly known as the Bismarck palm, is a striking palm tree that can reach heights of 12–18 meters (40–60 feet) with a massive, smooth, gray trunk up to 45 centimeters (18 inches) in diameter. Its crown is composed of large, fan-shaped fronds that are silvery-blue or green, each measuring 1.5–3 meters (5–10 feet) across.

Native to Madagascar, the Bismarck palm thrives in sunny, well-drained locations and tolerates a variety of soil types. It is highly drought-resistant and moderately wind-tolerant, making it suitable for exposed landscapes. This palm can withstand cold temperatures down to approximately -5°C (23°F). Its dramatic foliage and resilience make it a popular choice for large gardens, parks, and tropical landscapes.

Additional information

Weight N/A

2 Seedlings, 10 Seedlings, 100 Seedlings

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